Diet & Nutrition - 6 Tricks Overcoming Your Bad Habits

EATING habits are highly dependent on the people who live with us, or 'friends hanging out' of our daily. Depending also on our home, and our emotions. Beware of unusual situations that encourage you to overeat.

Without us realize our eating habits are 'bad' can lead to excessive calorie intake. For example eating fast, eating a big mouthful. eat when tense or bored, spending large portions of food when not hungry.

Overcome Your Bad Habits
1. Do not eat while doing other work, such as watching television, reading. Eat only at the dinner table, not in front of the refrigerator while standing.

2. Do not eat fast. Chew slowly giving us time to realize a sense of satiety. Do not eat with your hands, use eating utensils. Cut food in small keratan-keratan. Do not fill your fork used to fill your mouth swallowed up.

3. Do not buy high-calorie foods that can be a problem. Shop by using the grocery list to prevent the 'hungry eyes'. Avoid shopping with children.

4. Plan a meal at the beginning, hang in there with a menu that you pllih.

5. Plan a strategy to avoid eating and drinking without any uncontrolled at feasts, or when the emotional force you to nibble. Keep repeatedly in your mind, what would you do in such situations. Remind yourself several times a day that you can control your actions and that you can be assertive. Find advice or training on a variety of such strategies.

6. Promise yourself, every time when you feel the urge to mengemll you will engage in an activity that you abstain from food, such as walking, brushing your teeth. call a friend. When you eat out of boredom. Find a new hobby or new interest that requires you leave the house you can even enroll in a course.

Note: People who are troubled and suffering from eating disorders, habit is best to make counseling. Ask for referrals from your doctor for treatment to a specialist.

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