Diet & Nutrition - Carbohydrate intake in Composition Check Your Diet

CARBS in a more natural shape is an important part of a healthy diet.
These nutrients provide energy, fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein and water. Carbohydrates found in cereal grains, fruits and vegetables. and milk. Healthy 2000 calorie diet should also contain carbohydrates in it and provides more than 50% of total calories. While low-calorie diet to lose weight should still have around 40% of total calories from carbohydrates.


Total Kalori dalam Diet Karbohidrat Harian % Kalori dari Karbohidrat
1200 kal 120 gr 40%
1500 kal 170 gr 45%
2000 kal 250 gr 50%
2500 kal 345 gr 55%
3000 kal 450 gr 60%

WHO recommends that 55-75% of total energy consumption comes from complex carbohydrates and at most only 10% coming from simple sugars. For fiber, the American Cancer Institute recommends eating 20-30 grams of fiber a day. In Indonesia at present there is no shortage of concern when eating fiber diet that is maintained with staple food (rice), legumes, vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities.

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