Diet - Slim and I Make Milk Stamina Create Stronger


Name: Nita Sitepu
: 24 years
Beginning Weigh: 83 kg
Now Weight: 59 kg
Height: 162 cm
Occupation: HRD Private Bank

As I entered high school, Nita really like sweets. Starting from the cookies until the heavy food, like noodles meatballs. The habit continued until she went to college. As a result Nita weight soared to an 80-kg. But he did not feel overweight. Especially did his brothers also have a body of 'fertile'. "I ignored it. Stay free and continue the hobby of eating sweets."

Until one day she got health problems. "Menstruation, I did not pass. Sometimes in a month I did not get a period." Because the problem is feminine, Nita went to a specialist obstetrics and gynecology. But instead of getting drugs facilitator menstruation, Nita instead told to diet. "The doctor said my problem happened because I was already overweight. So, the doctor did not prescribe anything and even member! Referral to a nutrition specialist." Indeed when the weight has reached 82 kg.

From there set diet, but did not use drugs. Because there is a problem in the womb, fear of side effects. So pure sporting and diet. Finally, in one year can lose weight dropped to 59 kg.

First step:
When the diet is governed by a nutritionist, Nita releasing her weight problem. "Just living on a diet. And it was also surprise to see the results." But one time he was tempted also to spur weight loss, how to tighten a regulated diet doctor. As a result he became frequent headaches. Fortunately, his father saw the situation, he said that's how it would Nita taken to the hospital. Supposed, 1200 calories, a new reduced slowly. I compensate with exercise is recommended. Then added some milk. "It was the habit of consuming milk that's wonderful. The body feels fresh. Believe me, milk is not fattening."

"My motivation is only one, want to be healthy. And now I really feel healthier. My friends say I look more fresh."

The program, run:
Actually, nutrition specialist advice, Nita required to set the 1200 calorie a day diet. Nita morning eating only one sheet of bread, then at 10 to eat fruits such as papaya or watermelon. 6 tablespoons rice to eat lunch with one type of vegetable side dishes and 1.5 glass. Afternoon if still hungry eat new fruits. "My night did not eat rice, yet I replace it with vegetables." In addition he also regulate dietary Body Language and swimming exercises. A year went by losing weight constantly, until 64 kg. Irregular menstrual cycles as well.

Nita Then sign up for a fitness center near her office. "The instructors there, I was encouraged to drink milk. Whereas during the diet I did not dare to drink milk." Nita began to include milk in its diet. "Before my sports drink high calcium milk and milk after a workout I drink a diet. It turned out that milk makes me more powerful. The past is not a strong run. Milk is also making a bowel movement to become fluent."

After diligent exercises in the gym, during the 1.5 months of 5 kg weight dropped again to 59 kg. "It's not too restricted diet. Only the portions are reduced. For lunch, I brought his own lunch from home so that measuring fit. Lauknya Usually complete, meat, fish, and vegetables. Afternoon when hungry I eat crackers or fruit."

"I still want to lose weight until reaching 55 kg. I want to wear gym clothes that models hot pants, or shorts. Want to be wearing different clothes models gymnastics."

Key success:
Intention and consistent. "In order to support the environment, tell friends and family when we're on a diet. So many people are reminded when we begin to forget or recalcitrant.

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